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As most VISA, Mastercard, Discover and America Express debit and credit cards generally have daily limits, we will complete the purchase transaction via Wire Transfer. If you are able to complete the purchase via your debit and/or credit card, please feel free to do so. For Wire Instructions, please see details below.


Increase the quantity to increase the shares purchased 

i.e. Update the Quantity to "2" for 1,000,000 shares, "10" for 5,000,000 shares, etc.


Normal Price Per Share: $3.50


$700,000,000 Value


Preferred Shares Price:  $2.50 per share


$700,000,000 Value

$500,000,000 Purchase Price


Wire Information

Beneficiary: Lgmusicpub Publishing LLC 

Bank Name: Capital One 

Bank Address: 1680 Capital One Drive McLean, VA 22102-3491

Account Number: 36024100446 

Swift Code: HIBKUS44 

ABA Routing No. 031176110

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